Content and context of the post-doctoral position
The advertised post-doctoral position is part of an interdisciplinary social sciences team working on the project HYBRIDELEC: Electric hybrids and emerging forms of energy transition in southern cities, funded by the ANR (The French National Research Agency) (for more information on the project, see The starting point of the research is the acknowledgment that cities in the developing and emerging countries experience many problems of electricity supply, including lack of access for all as well as irregular and load quality issues, which conventional responses such as solely extending the grid cannot fix. Therefore, collective and individual alternatives such as decentralized and hybrid systems evolve. In a relational approach to infrastructure, both shaped by and shaping the social contexts in which they are embedded, the research aims to analyse the co-evolutions of local electricity supply systems and urban change. Continuer la lecture de « A One-year Post-doctoral position: Emerging forms of hybrid energy systems in urban India »